BLAZE Job Board Job Board / Software Developer L3 / Apply Software Developer L3 Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Country * Postal Code * Professional Details Resume * Resume must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Github * LinkedIn * Are you fluent in English? * Yes No Are you legally entitled to work in the country you're applying for without the need for future sponsorship? (i.e. citizen, permanent Resident or person who has been granted refugee status) * Yes No Are you currently located in Canada? * Yes No This full-time (8 hour) role requires working within our core hours (10am - 3pm pacific time). Can you commit to this schedule? * Yes No 3+ years of AWS experience? * Yes No 3+ years of typescript experience? * Yes No Personal Information Salary expectation (yearly) * What timezone will you be working from? * How much experience do you have with Typescript? (months) * How much experience do you have with React? (months) * How much experience do you have with ReactNative? (months) * How much experience do you have with SQL? (months) * How many weeks notice would you need before you could start? * Submit